Moisture regulators Moisture regulators regulate the relative humidity. Moisture regulators are responsible for the appropriate humidity. In our range you will find moisture regulators for various applications. Moisture regulators PCE-RE20 can be used quickly thanks to i ts compact and simple construction. The scope of use of these moisture regulators can be for example the regulation of moisture in electric cabinet. A simple control on/off with hysteresis, which is not a problem for these humidity regulators, is more than enough for this application. In case you need, apart from the contact regulators, an alarm contact regulator, we offer you appropriate solution. For more demanding regulations, such as regulation of ventilation systems and clean rooms, moisture regulators require a continuous control output. This is necessary for moisture regulators and can dispense precisely controlled variable through the trigger. This allows moisture regulators achieve the set point with minimal overshoot. Other programmable features of moisture regulators are developing such as a programmable setpoint or digital inputs, which allow drivers to operate above these influence on the moisture regulators. If you have technical questions about these moisture regulators, please contact us. Our technicians will be happy to advise you on this subject as well as on other instruments in the field of meters and scales.
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Humidity regulators are use d in many sectors, as the relative humidity along with the temperature play an important role in assessing air quality. Since human beings feel good with a relative humidity between 45% and 55%, they are useful to create a pleasant climate environment in offices and at home. That is why climate engineering require moisture regulators. The industry sector also works with materials that react negatively to certain values of air humidity. For metal and museum pieces not to rust and for food to remain in good condition, they tend to work with moisture regulators. Moisture regulators are also used in greenhouses, manufacturing facilities and the pharmaceutical industry. The role of moisture regulators can be as follows: humidity transducer detects moisture in the air current and converts it into a standard signal. The user adjusts the humidity regulator set point. Moisture regulators compare the set point with the received signal of the humidity transducer. If the current humidity is too high, moisture regulators activate a fan through a relay output. If the humidity is too low, moisture regulators put in place a humidifier to increase humidity. Managing moisture regulators is usually done via the buttons on the front. When regulators have an interface, it is usually possible to adjust the humidity regulators through the PC.