Functions of the Weather Station
- Indoor temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit
- Outdoor temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit
- Indoor relative humidity
- Outdoor relative humidity
- Atmospheric pressure is shown in inHG or hPa
- Relative / Absolute humidity selection
- Rainfall is shown in mm or inches
- Rainfall indication for 1 hour, 24 hours, 1 week, 1 month or from the last reset
- Selection of wind speed in mph, km/h, m/s, knots or Beaufort
- Indication of wind direction
- Wind chill temperature indicator
- Dew point indication
- Weather forecast
- Weather forecast trend
- Storm warning
- Indication of meteorological values.
- Programmable alarm functions for different meteorological values
- It can store maximum and minimum values
- LED with backlight display
- Radio clock
- Indication in 12 or 24 hours
- Calendar
- Set up of time zone
- Energy saving function
- Can be free-standing or wall-mounted
- Permanent adjustment of meteorological values and clock by means of a radio
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