Household Balances
Professional balances and balances for hobbies can also be found among our household balances. Household balances have a lot of advantages: very easy to handle, tare function to facilitate recipe making, etc. You will find 5 different models of household balances in our web page. Household balances can be powered via the mains or by batteries, with a weight range up to 150 kg and a readability of 0.01 and 50 g. Some household balances have optional software for the weighing data to be transferred to a computer which can be very important for it use at leisure. Apart from their use at home these household balances can be also used for sports, for instance PCE-TS 150 series household balances are used to calculate the athletes' weight when doing sports. If you don't find the household balances you are looking for, please contact us by calling our technicians on our offices: UK customers +44(0) 23 809 870 30 / US customers (561) 320-9162 and we will help you to find the best solution to suit your needs and our technical staff will advise you regarding our balances. Our engineers and technicians will be happy to help you with the household balances, and of course, with the other products in the field of regulation and control, and measuring instruments. Technical specifications for our Household Balances can be found at the following links:
- G-series Household Balances (mechanical household balances, division in grams)

- PCE-BS series Household Balances  (economical, solid and multi-functional household balances)
- PCE-BT series Household Balances (these household balances can be calibrated with weighing ranges (200 g and 2,000 g))
- PCE-HB series Household Balances (household balances low cost, weight range 200 g/0.001 g or 2,000 g/0.01 g, RS-232/USB interface)
- PCE-HB-M series Household Balances (calibrated household balances, weighing range of 600 g, resolution 0.01 g, RS-232)
- PCE-BHS 6000 series Household Balances (powered by batteries, weight ranges up to a maximum of 6,000 g)
- PCE-BHS 10000 series Household Balances (powered by batteries, weight ranges up to a maximum of 10,000 g)
- PCE-TSS series Household Balances (household balances with stainless steel housing, protected against dust and water, IP 67, up to 15 kg)
- PCE-BDM series Household Balances (household balances weight range up to 10,000 g, readability 0.2 g; RS-232)
- PCE-EPS 40 series Household Balances (household balances up to 40 kg, readability of 10 g, battery power and network component)
- PCE-PB series Household Balances (economical balances with platforms of 325 x 315 mm, up to 60 kg or 150 kg)

- PCE-HPS series Household Balances (economical household balances with accumulator, weight range up to 60kg, RS-232 port)
- PCE-TS series Household Balances (household balances with weight ranges up to 60 or 150 kg and a large platform)

All our balances are sent with the calibration certificate. Additionally, household balances can come accompanied with ISO 9000 certification to obtain more accurate results. Apart from the classical usage of the household balances they can be also used for amateurs´ difficult jobs (calculations of the weight of building materials, to count amounts of screws, for mixing of colors or to know the corresponding part of gum in an element). Thanks to their high quality, household balances can be used at laboratories, for instance in daily quality control laboratories, in colleges or in other investigation centers. Quality means a lot for us.
If you wish to view or print a selection of household balances from our catalogue, click the PDF symbol. 