for Pharmacies
Balances for pharmacies can measure smallest material proportions. Balances for pharmacies are needed for the producing of recipes and pharmaceuticals. All balances for pharmacies must gauge if they are used for an exact blend and producing of specific pharmaceutics. You can see the technical characteristics of the balances for pharmacies on symbols in the technical data sheets. If you can see the symbol on the left site the scale disposes over a bend and recipe function. Here you can also find optional supplies like possibilities for density determination, tables which hamper vibrations etc.
We also provide the complete service from the first advice until the gauge or the calibration of your balances for pharmacies. Other analyzing scales you can find here.
If you can't find the balances for pharmacies you are looking for, please contact us and we will help you find the best solution which suits your needs: UK customers +44(0) 23 809 870 30 / US customers (561) 320-9162 Our technical staff will advise you regarding our products. Our engineers and technicians will be happy to help you with the
medical scales, and of course, with the other
products in the field of regulation
and control, and measuring
Technical specifications of our
Balances for Pharmacies can be found at the following links.
Series Gauged Balances for Pharmacies
(affordable, gauged M III, weighings in 2 ranges, weighing range up to 25 kg,
resolution 1 g)
T Series Gauged Balances for Pharmacies
(gauged M III, affordable, up to 300 g ... 15 kg, resolution 0,1 g ... 5 g)
600 Series Gauged Balances for Pharmacies
(gauged class II, affordable, weighing range up to 600 g, RS-232)
PCE-LSM Series Gauged Balances for Pharmacies (gauged
class II,
weighing range/ readability of 200 g / 0,001 g up to 6000 g / 0,5 g)
Series Gauged Balances for Pharmacies
(gauged class II, int. calibration, graphic display, 500 g / 0,001 g and
3000g / 0,01 g)
Series Balances for Pharmacies
(affordable, 0 ... 100 g / 0,1 mg; RS-232-interface)
C Series Gauged Balances for Pharmacies
(gauged class I, weighing range / readability; 100 g / 0,1 mg and 200 g /
- PCE-AB Series Gauged
Balances for Pharmacies
(gauged class I balances, 0,1 mg range, internal calibration, graphic
display, RS-232)
If you follow one of the following links you can find technical datasheets and other information about balances for pharmacies:
Gauging: Balances for pharmacies have to gauge (EU-guideline 90/384 EWG) if they are used like in the following (the public department for gauging can gauge your product):
-In commercial traffic, if the price of the product depends on the weight
-In the production of pharmaceuticals (pharmacy) and analyzes in medical and pharmaceutical labor
-In official purposes for example for investigation of punishments and charges
-For the production of prepackages
If you want more information
about the gauging of balances for pharmacies or do not know if you need gauged balances for pharmacies you can message the country-specific office for gauging. The gauging of the balances for pharmacies (balances for pharmacies which can be gauged) can conduct at the first initial order or at recurring gauging. After a gauging by the office of gauging you are not allowed to calibrate the other balances for pharmacies. The first time of gauging has validity for 2 years. Then the balances for pharmacies have to
be gauged every year. Balances for pharmacies in commercial class M2 can just gauged locally.
If you want balances for pharmacies you should use a windbreak.
Often balances for pharmacies are used in apprenticeship, research and development. With balances for pharmacies employees of a pharmacy produce easy and exact pharmaceutics. The pharmacist can conduct a neutral position very fast, every time he adds a new component. Above all the recipe enables the pharmacist to work together with doctors to find and deploy alternatives routes if there are difficulties in medicinal range. Furthermore balances for pharmacies are useful in ranges like synthetic material, groceries, chemical industry etc.
If you wish to view or print a selection of
balances for pharmacies from our catalogue, click PDF symbol: 