Scales for Colleges
On our website you will find six types of scales for colleges. Our scales for colleges can be used by professionals, at home, for hobbies and at school. They can be powered by batteries or an optional mains adaptor. They have weight range up to 150 kg and a readability from 0.001 up to 50 g. Scales for colleges have a number of advantages including their ease of use and a tare function, which makes it easier to weight recipe ingredients. For example, the PCE-BSH 6000 college scales are very economical and useful for making all types of measurements in the laboratory, educational institutes and in quality control processes. Flat keypad with three keys is very easy to operate. The scales are protected against dust and water splash and also have tare across the entire weight range. If you can't find the scales for colleges you are looking for, please contact us and we will help you find the best solution which suits your needs: UK customers +44(0) 23 809 870 30 / US customers (561) 320-9162. Our technical staff will advise you regarding our scales and balances. Our engineers and technicians will be happy to help you with the scales for colleges, and of course, with the other products in the field of regulation and control, and measuring instruments. Technical specifications for our School Scales can be found at the following links:
- Scales for Colleges with division grams (with hooks or standard clips) (long-lasting scales for colleges, with drag needle, and a weight range from 10 g to 50 kg)

- Scales for Colleges with Newton division (with hooks or standard clips) (long-lasting scales, with drag needle, and a weight range from 1 up to 500 N)
- PCE-ABZ 200C series Scales for Colleges (scales for colleges similar to the PCE-ABZ 100C series but with a weight range from 0 up to 200 g)
- PCE-AB-C series Scales for Colleges (verifiable, resolution of 0.1 mg, internal calibration, weight range up to 200 g)
- PCE-HB series Scales for Colleges (low cost scales for colleges, weight range up to 200 g/0.001 g or 2000 g/0.01 g, RS-232/USB interface)
- PCE-HB-M series Scales for Colleges (calibrated scales for colleges, weight range up to 600 g, resolution of 0.01 g, RS-232)
- PCE-BT 10000 series Scales for Colleges (Weight range up to 210 g/2100 g; RS-232)
- PCE-BS series of Scales for Colleges  (economical, solid and multifunctional scales for colleges)
- PCE-BSH 6000 series of S cales for Colleges (scales for colleges powered by batteries, weight range up to 6000 g)
- PCE-BSH 10000 series of Scales for Colleges (scales for colleges powered by batteries, weight range up to 10,000 g)
- PCE-PM...T series Scales for Colleges (weight range 300 g/0.1 g up to 15 kg/5 g)
- PCE-LSM series Scales for Colleges (verifiable scales for colleges, with weight range up to 200, 2000 or 6000 g, RS-232)
- PCE-TSS series Scales for Colleges (scales for colleges with stainless steel housing, protected against dust and water, IP 67, weight range up to 15 kg)
- PCE-BDM series Scales for Colleges (scales for colleges weight range up to 10,000 g, readability from 0.2 g; RS-232)
- PCE-EPS 40 series Scales for Colleges (scales for colleges with weight range up to 40 kg, readability from 10 g, battery power and network component)
N series Scales for Colleges  (economical scales for colleges, platform dimensions 325 x 315 mm, weight range up to 60 or 150 kg)

- PCE-HPS series Scales for Colleges (economic scales for colleges, weight range up to 60 kg, rechargeable, RS-232)
P series Scales for Colleges (dual range, weighing range up to max. 150 kg,
resolution from 2 g, optional 4-20 mA and OC)
Below you will find a selection of different appliances that you can request for Scales for Colleges:
Scales for colleges are used in higher education and in research
organizations, such as clinics and educational institutions. The image shows our scales for colleges in the laboratory of the University of Ruhr in Bochum. Digital scales for colleges have been developed to endure tough conditions in school laboratories and come with a good guarantee. The majority of scales for colleges have RS-232 interface that allows data transmissions to a computer or printer. This makes the device extremely versatile within the educational field. With each of our models there is a software kit and corresponding printer available.
If you wish to view or print a selection of scales for colleges from our catalogue, click PDF symbol