Process indicators Process indicators are used to view measurements and normalized signals. Process indicators have a wide field of application thanks to their free scale, so all sensor types with a normalized signal can be connected to process indicators after being adjusted. Process indicators available at PCE Instruments have many different characteristics. N24S and N25S series process indicators are programmed through a PC. Process indicators can process a normalized signal of 4 … 20 mA and optionally have a power supply for the sensor of 24 V. Process indicators are a mass product due to its flexible use and affordable price. Other process indicators offer a voltage input. Additional alarm outputs and digital interfaces transform the PAX-P series process indicators into a universal devices which can be also used for complex processes. If you have any questions regarding our process indicators, please contact us: UK customers +44(0) 23 809 870 30 / US customers (561) 320-9162 and our technical staff will be pleased to help you with the process indicators as well as with the other products.
- PCE-N20I series process indicators (4-20 mA normalized signal, three-color display, programmable via the PCE, 2 alarm outputs)
- PCE-N20U series process indicators (0-10 V normalized signal, 2 alarm outputs, three-color display, programmable)
- PCE-N24S series process indicators (indicators for normalized signals of 4-20 mA, digits of 20 mm, programmed through a PC)
- PCE-N25S series process indicators (process indicators with 5 digits, 4-20 mA normalized signal)

- PCE-N30U series process indicators (process indicators for both normalized signals and temperature sensors, alarm and RS-485)
- PAX-P series process indicators (universal process indicators for normalized signals, component board modules)
Normalized signals are developed i n the industry to use the most common magnitudes in control systems in a very flexible way. By means of process indicators, these normalized signals can be viewed at any scale. A normalized signal scale is described as the relation between the measured signal and the normalized one. As an example, the current intensity corresponding to a specific temperature should be indicated in process indicators. If the characteristic curve is linear, a pair of values will be enough. High quality process indicators can store up to 21 pair of values (depending on the model). Process indicators normally offer alarm relays which are activated once limit values are exceeded. Process indicators analogue outputs can be used to record the measured magnitude by means of a data logger.
If you wish to view or print a selection of process indicators from our catalogue, click the PDF symbol. 