WatchDog Rain Gauge Professional rain gauge with five sensors including wind direction, wind speed, temperature, relative air humidity and rainfall / it can adapt up to six sensors / internal data logger for 8800 values / RS-232 port / optional software kit
The WatchDog rain gauge is a multifunction device which will cover all your needs. The WatchDog rain gauge allows you to detect and store wind direction, wind speed, temperature, relative humidity and rainfall rate. You can choose the measurement interval with the WatchDog rain gauge. Data can be transferred from the rain gauge to a PC or laptop to be analyzed subsequently. Other sensors can be adapted (see optional accessories). The WatchDog rain gauge is used in agriculture and gardening as well as in industry and in the research sector. If you install the WatchDog rain gauge on a vertical mast, we recommend you use the 25 m PC cable to get an optimal reading (see optional accessories). Here you can find an overview of other rain gauge models.
- Simultaneously measures five parameters and additionally calculates the dew point and the wind chill. - It can be extended to up to 6 external sensors. - Selection of register intervals. - Wide internal memory for 8800 measurement series (with a 30 min. interval, the device allows for the registration of parameters over a period of 180 days)
- Stable EEPROM to preserve data even with low battery. - It can be programmed directly or through the optional software.
- RS-232 interface for the control and diagnosis of data in real time.
- LCD display which directly shows max., min. and current values. - It can be used as a portable device (powered by batteries for 12 months of operation).
View / print user’s manual of the WatchDog rain gauge 

rain gauge
Wind speed: 0 ... 281 km/h Wind direction: 0 ... 360º Air temperature: -20 ... +70 ºC Air humidity: 20 ... 100% Rainfall: 6,5
cm / measurement period |
Wind speed: 1 km/h Wind direction: 2º Air temperature: 0,1 ºC Air humidity: 0,1% Rainfall: 0,01 cm |
Wind speed: ±5 % Wind direction: ±7 º Air temperature: ±0,6 ºC Air humidity: ±3 % Rainfall: ±2 %
Memory interval
adjustable: 1, 10, 15, 30 or 60 min. (30 min. allows more for than 180 days of registration)
Diverse sensors for wind speed, wind direction, temperature, air humidity and rainfall
measurement series
Dew point, Wind Chill
and data cable
Graphic dual LCD
External sensors can be connected (see Optional accessories)
4 x 1,5 V AA batteries
Battery life
Max. 12
months of operation
300 x 215 x 300
2900 g
temperature range
-20 ... +70
Field of application of the WatchDog rain gauge
In the adjoining video you can see the professional WatchDog rain gauge in operation. This Watch Dog rain gauge has five sensors available (wind direction, wind speed, temperature, relative air humidity, rainfall) and can adapt up to 6 external sensors. The rain gauge comes with internal data logger for 8800 values, RS-232 port and optional software kit. In the video you can see how to use the WatchDog rain gauge.
1 x
WatchDog rain gauge with 5 sensors included (wind
velocity and direction, temperature, air humidity, rainfall) and user’s manual.
- Software kit Software for programming the device, for the reading and filing of measurement values. The software kit includes an interface cable and a CD with the software. Among its additional functions you can find: real time registration, statistical function and data export to Excel.

- Extra-long data cable (RS-232) If you wish to connect your PC or laptop to the WatchDog rain gauge to read the stored values and the device is placed on a high vertical mast, you will need to connect the data cable when the rain gauge is installed to easily read the measurement values. - Length: 25 m

- RS-232-USB-Adaptor (RS232-USB) In case your PC or Portable uses USB-Interfaces, you can use the adaptor in connection with the standard rs-232 cable. A small software program (covering all the actual drives) is included.

- Aluminium tripod For short registers (e.g. 8 h). If you do not wish to place the rain gauge on a vertical mast, we recommend you use the aluminium tripod.
- 3
legs, rotary adaptor plate - Aluminium

- Ground temperature sensor This sensor can easily be connected to the rain gauge plug and it is used to measure ground temperature. - Measurement
range: +30 ... +100 °C - Accuracy: ±0,6 °C - Connection: 1,8 m or 6,1 m cable (according to the order)

- Solar radiation sensor This sensor can easily be connected to the rain gauge plug and it is used to measure solar radiation energy. Measurement
range: 1 ... 1250 W/m² - Accuracy: ±5 % - Connection: 1,8 m cable

- PAR sensor (Photosynthetically active radiation) This sensor is easily connected to the rain gauge plug and it is used to measure photosynthetically active radiation.
- Measurement range: 0 ... 2500
µmol/m²/s - Accuracy: ±5 % - Connection: 1,8 m cable

- Ground humidity sensor This sensor is easily connected to the rain gauge plug and it is used to measure absolute ground humidity.
- Measurement
range: : 0 ... 100 % - Accuracy: ±2 % - Connection: 1,8 m cable

- Atmospheric pressure sensor This sensor is easily connected to the rain gauge plug and it is used to measure atmospheric pressure.
- Measurement range: 880 ... 1080
mbar - Accuracy: ±2 % - Connection: 0,3 m cable

- Lead-in cable for standard signals This cable allows the connection with other sensors which send standard electrical signals. - Input
range: 0 ... 2,5 V / 4 ... 20 mA - Length: 1,8 m

- Extension For all the standard sensors with a length of 4,3 m.

Explanation of different environmental conditions for the rain gauge:
Wind Chill Wind chill describes the difference between the measured and the received air temperature depending on the wind speed. We have another rain gauge type available which can detect the wind chill as well as other parameters.
Atmospheric pressure The atmospheric pressure in the world is the hydrostatic air pressure which exists in a place. This pressure is equivalent to the atmospheric colum weight which is on the earth surface or on any body on the earth. The average atmospheric pressure at sea level is 101325 Pa = 1.013,25 hPa = 101,325 kPa under normal conditions.
point / Dew point temperature Air can absorb more vapour when temperature increases. When the temperature of any air element decreases and simultaneously the air humidity is 100 %, the remaining vapour descends as rain. This limit is called dew point. Buildings must be built in such a way that the temperature in the lowest part is not under the dew point to avoid condensation of water and damages in the buildings such as the formation of mould. Atmospheric flows are very harmful through the insulation. In these situations it is important to wait for the lowest dew point. Also the Wetbulb temperature is very important for the climatological industry, and it is also an important parameter for other sectors. With this rain gauge you will be able to calculate dew point as an option. We also have other devices available to measure dew point, such as the
PCE-555 or the PCE-320.
Information about relative humidity: Relative humidity (r.h.) shows the relationship between absolute humidity (the amount really there) and the saturation state of water vapors. Relative air humidity is measured using humidity indicators, that show on their displays from 0% (absolutely dry air) up to 100% (air that is completely saturated, such as fog, clouds or steam baths). Some models of humidity indicators have an unlimited measurement range. The physical area is between 40 and 65% r.h. Given that hot air possesses the ability to absorb more water vapour than cold air, people feel that in the winter, air is too dry and in the summer, it is too humid. If air heats up, it increases the amount of water vapour to that of saturation. The consequence is that the % of relative humidity decreases while the real quantity of water remains constant. Something similar occurs when air is cooled, decreasing the quantity of water vapour. This increases the percentage value of relative humidity. Condensation forms when there is an excess of water in saturated conditions. Some of our humidity indicators not only offer the ability to measure relative humidity and temperature, but can also calculate dew point and dew point temperature. Dew point temperature is defined as the temperature at which the actual vapour content of air is the maximum (100% relative humidity). Dew point temperature is independent of the actual temperature. One possibility of measuring dew point temperature is to freeze metal until its surface forms condensation. The temperature of the metal will then be the dew point temperature. With this rain gauge you will be able to measure relative humidity which will be shown on the display.
What is a rain gauge?
A rain guage is a place where meteorological measurements and observations of the different meteorological parameters are made using suitable instruments in order to establish an atmospheric behavior.
Below, you will find a classification of the general characteristic of the rain gauge according to technical standards:
- Pluviometric stations: Weather stations with a pluviometre or other recipient which allows measurements of the amount of rain between two consecutive measurements.
- Pluviographic stations: when weather stations are automatically and continuously able to make a rainfall registration. The amount of water, intensity, duration and period of rain can be known.
- Main weather stations: to make observations of atmospheric conditions in order to provide information to make weather forecasts and to study the weather and climate. The measurements taken include temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, and precipitation amounts. Wind measurements are taken as free of other obstructions as possible, while temperature and humidity measurements are kept free from direct solar radiation, or isolation. Normally, three different observations are taken per day.
- Ordinary weather stations: They must be provided with a psycometer, pluviometer and a pluviograph to measure rainfalls and temperature instantaneously.
- Main synoptic stations: These stations are used for the observation of important meteorological elements during international connectivity hours. Meteorological information is taken every hour: cloudiness, wind speed and wind direction, atmospheric pressure, air temperature, clouds, height and types, visibility, special phenomena, humidity, rainfalls, cloud layers, wind course, atmospheric phenomena sequence. The information is encoded and interchanged through the different World Meteorological Centers for weather forecast and also for the aviation service.
- Additional synoptic stations: Observations are also done during international connectivity hours. Meteorological information is related to: visibility, special phenomena, atmospheric weather, cloudiness, state of ground, rainfalls, air temperature and humidity, wind, etc.
- Agrometeorological stations: They are used for both meteorological and biological observations and any other observations which help to determine relations between weather and climate as well as between the life of animals and the life of plants. They have the same observation programs as main weather stations.
The WatchDog rain gauge is an affordable solution for producers, consultants, researchers as well as any other job related to meteorology. Growing conditions can be monitored, registered and analyzed for an efficient production control as well as pest control. The WatchDog rain gauge offers accurate real time information about weather conditions from your field or vineyard. Modern and advanced characteristics recently included in WatchDog rain gauge are also offered:
- Data management has been improved due to the fact that it enables people to download database from these meteorological stations.
- Also, the displays of weather stations have been improved, so it is possible to check up to 30 days of data as well as max. and min. values. Also, displays show calculations of hours / cold and days / grade.
- Various functions have been improved: communication, transference speed to 9600 bauds, individualized transference with other weather stations, etc.
- The WatchDog rain gauge is very easy to handle. Adjustments of the sensor and measuring range are operated by means of the weather station keyboard (adjustment through the computer is not necessary).
The WatchDog rain gauge is formed by different meters to measure meteorological elements and it is used for weather observation. The rain gauge is mainly used to measure and forecast national weather conditions however it can be also used for private measurements. There are differences between digital and analogue weather stations. Analogue weather stations are placed in "meteorological shelters" (also known as
Stevenson's thermometer shelters) which are small weather-resistant wooden or plastic boxes which don't only protect the measuring instrument against
rain and dirt but also provide accurate measuring values. Meteorological shelters allow air to flow inside them and they are usually painted white to protect temperature values against direct sun light. If the boxes were painted with dark colors, they would absorb more radiation, transferring it inside the shelter. This would increase internal temperature in relation to the external one so the meteorological shelter would always register high temperature values. To compare weather station values they have to be placed 2 meters above the floor and 10 meters from the nearest tree and exposed to wind and sun during the entire day. Weather stations normally come with a
psychrometer, a thermometer with max. and min. values and a hygrothermogram. Additionally, a pluviometer and an anemometer are placed outside the meteorological shelter. Modern weather stations can also measure global solar radiation, sunlight duration and some special values such as the floor evaporating temperature. Analogue weather stations do not need to be powered via the mains and allow for accurate results. The disadvantage is that meteorological values can be only registered manually every time.


Here you will find an overview of all the
measuring instruments available at PCE Instruments. |
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