Accurate Balances |
In our general index you will find accurate balances. Our accurate balances are well-known for their accuracy, wide weight range as well as for their high quality. Many of our accurate balances have a built-in level to direct balances with a high accuracy precision. Some accurate balances can be equipped with RS-232 interface and corresponding valuating software. In order to meet the ISO standard, accurate balances are either calibrated or possess an official control certificate. We can offer you many additional devices such as printers for protocols or double displays. Accurate balances are used in research and development, in control of production and also in trading. Our engineers will assist you with our accurate balances as well as with all our balances. We can help you to find the accurate balances which will suit your needs. Contact us: UK customers +44(0) 23 809 870 30 / US customers (561) 320-9162. Our engineers and technicians will be happy to help you with accurate balances, and of course, with other products in the field of regulation and control, and measuring instruments. Tehcnical specifications of our Accurate Balances can be found at the following links:
- PCE-JS 50 series Accurate Balances (mobile accurate balances, highest accuracy/resolution 0.001 g)
- PCE-JS 100 series Accurate Balances (accurate balances with a range from 0 up to 100 g, resolution 0.01 g, units g/ct)
- PCE-JS 500 series Accurate Balances (accurate balances with touch screen, range from 0 up to 500 g, resolution 0.1 g)
- PCE-BS series Accurate Balances  (low-cost accurate balances for inexperienced users, with piece count function)
- PCE-BDM series Accurate Balances (accurate balances weight range up to 10,000 g, readability 0.2 g; RS-232)
- PCE-BSH 6000 series Accurate Balances (accurate balances for inexperienced users with high accuracy (0.1 g); range up to 6000 g, RS-232)
- PCE-BSH 10000 series Accurate Balances (accurate balances with weight range up to 10,000 g, readability 0.2 g; RS-232)
- PCE-BT series Accurate Balances (these accurate balances can be calibrated with weight range (200 g and 2000 g))
- PCE-HB series Accurate Balances (low cost accurate balances with weight range up to 200 g/0.001 g or 2000 g/0.01 g, RS-232/USB interface)
- PCE-HB-M series Accurate Balances (calibrated accurate balances with weight range up to 600 g, resolution 0.01 g, RS-232)
- PCE-PM...T series Accurate Balances (economic, verifiable accurate balances with weight range from 300 g up to 15 kg, verification value: 0.1 g ... 5 g, RS-232)
- PCE-LSM series Accurate Balances  (verified, economical accurate balances with weight range up to 200/2000/6000 g, RS-232)
- PCE-LS series Accurate Balances (verified accurate balances with internal calibration, weight range up to 500/3000 g; RS-232)
- PCE-LSZ 200C series Accurate Balances (accurate balances with a weight range from 0 up to 20,000 g/m² and a readability of 0.1 g/m²)
- PCE-ABZ ...C series Accurate Balances (accurate balances of high quality; 0 ... 100 g/0.1 mg; RS-232)
- PCE-ABZ 200C series Accurate Balances  (like PCE-ABZ 100C series accurate balances but with weight range from 0 up to 200 g)
- PCE-AB-C series Accurate Balances (verifiable accurate balances with resolution of 0.1 mg, internal calibration, weight range up to 200 g)
- PCE-AB 100 series Accurate Balances (verified accurate balances with resolution of 0.1 mg, weight range up to 100 g, RS-232)
- PCE-HPS series Accurate Balances (economic accurate balances with weight range up to 60 kg, rechargeable, RS-232)
- PCE-WS30 series Accurate Balances (economical accurate balances with large weight range up to 30 Kg; RS-232)
- PCE-PCS series Accurate Balances (accurate balances with piece count function, weight range: 6 Kg/30 Kg; Resolution: 0.1 g/0.5 g; RS-232)
- PCE-MB series Accurate Balances (accurate balances for humidity measurement: 0 ... 100%; range from 0 up to 100 g; RS-232; readability 0.001 g)
- PCE-MB 200 Accurate Balances (accurate balances for humidity measurement, 0 ... 100%, range up to 210 g, USB and RS-232, readability 0.001 g)
Besides calibration, we can offer you different aditional devices for accurate balances: |
 Software |
 Printer |
 Density set |
 Calibration weights |
.Accurate balances are balances with a resolution of 0.1 g or higher. Information about accurate balances with a resolution of 0.01 mg is available at the top. These accurate balances are normally used for analysis and quality controls at laboratories. Accurate balances are commonly used in technical colleges, universities, quality assurance laboratories and so on as well as in those institutions where they are needed. By clicking on this link you will find the most requested accurate balances. When accurate balances have a resolution of 0.01 g, protection against wind is recommended since the slightest wind breath can have a negative effect on the weight indicator. If you wish to place accurate balances on the site with a high degree of vibration (i.e. vibrations derived form production machines that cause vibrations in the basis or in the building), you should place them on a vibration-damping table. Vibration-damping tables are made of massive granite and the air damping effectively avoids either vibrations or oscillations. By clicking on the link PCE-AB series accurate balances you will find more information about vibration-damping tables. All our accurate balances can be calibrated. In order to meet DIN ISO 9000 (quality assurance), either laboratory calibration
(including calibration documentation) or verification can be performed. This can be carried out by PCE Instruments company (only for the class I and III. Class II accurate balances must be verified in
situ). All our accurate balances are ENAC certified. If you wish to obtain ENAC certificate, contact your local authorised laboratory.
If you wish to view or print a selection of accurate balances from our catalogue, click PDF symbol:
