Postal Balances
With our postal balances you will be able to calculate the weight of the object in few seconds. Postal balances are used for different purposes. On our site you will find light postal balances with plastic cases or heavy postal stainless steel balances. Some postal balances can be powered by external batteries in order to get more mobility. Postal balances with weight range from 30 up to 60 kg are the most requested by the customers. Some models with RS- 232 interface have optional software to allow data on the display to be printed or stored data to be transferred to a computer. This function makes your job easier. Data can also be sent to other calculation programmes such as MS Excel. If you can't find the postal balances you are looking for, please contact us and we will help you find the best solution which suits your needs: UK customers +44(0) 23 809 870 30 / US customers (561) 320-9162. Our technical staff will advise you regarding our balances. Our engineers and technicians will be happy to help you with the postal balances, and of course, with the other products in the field of regulation and control, and measuring instruments. Technical specifications for our Postal Balances can be found at the following links:
- PCE-PM...T series Postal Balances
(verifiable postal balances with weight range: 300 g ... 15 kg, verification value : 0.1 g ... 5
g, RS-232)
- PCE-TSS series Postal Balances (postal balances
/ stainless steel housing / protected against dust and water (IP 67) / up to 15
- PCE-ESM series Postal Balances (verified M III postal balances with weight range up to 25 Kg, resolution of 1 g, front and rear display)
- PCE-BDM series Postal Balances (postal balances with weight range up to 10,000 g, readability from 0.2 g; RS-232)
- PCE-WS30 series Postal Balances (Very economical postal balances with weight range up to 30 Kg; RS-232 )
- PCE-PCS series Postal Balances (Piece count function, weight range: 6 Kg/30 Kg; Readability: 0.1 g/0.5 g; RS-232)
- PCE-PB series Postal Balances (low-cost postal balances with platforms dimensions 325 x 315 mm, capacity of 60 kg or 150 kg)
- PCE-TS series Postal Balances (postal balances with big display, weight range up to 60 or 150 kg, RS-232, optional software)
- PCE-PM C series Postal Balances (multifunctional postal balances with weight range up to 300 kg, resolution of 10 g)
- PCE-PS...XL series Postal Balances (multifunctional postal balances with weight range up to 75 kg, powered by accumulator)
- PCE-RS series Postal Balances (verified postal balances with weight range up to 500 Kg and 1500 kg)
- PCE-EP 1500 series Postal Balances  (postal balances powered by batteries (1500 kg) for internal weights)
- PCE-TP 1500U series Postal Balances (authorized postal balances for verified weights)
- PCE-TP B series Postal Balances (verifiable postal balances with weight range up to 3000 kg)
- PCE-TP 1500 series Postal Balances (verified postal balances to access vehicles and loading ramp)
- PCE-TP...SST series Postal Balances (calibrated postal balances made of stainless steel, with weight range up to 2000 kg, resolution of 0.2 kg, screen)
- PCE-PTS 1M series Postal Balances (calibrated postal
balances / Class III / with weight range up to 2000 kg, including battery)
- PCE-PTS 2M series Postal Balances (forklifts with weight range up to 2000 kg, calibration of 1 kg, including battery and printer)
- PCE-TPWLKM series Postal Balances (postal balances up to 2000 kg and verification value from 0.5 kg, gross/net weighing, counting function, IP 65)
Many balances are used not only for postal purposes but they can also be used in the industrial sector. Almost all postal balances have piece count or percent calculation functions (balances with percentage function determine the variation in relation to the weight of the corresponding reference). Official calibration certificates (for calibrated postal balances) can be obtained on our site. Below, there are some examples of the professional usage of postal balances.
Postal balances for weighing big items |
Postal balances with an indicator of accuracy
Postal balances with piece count function before the consignment |
ISO certificate for postal balances |
PCE-PM series postal balances have an internal software for working with different logistics companies' software by means of the optional RS-232 data cable. The following logistics companies are currently in postal balances:
In order to meet ISO 9000 standard (quality assurance) a laboratory calibration (including the calibration certificate) or a verification
can be performed by our company PCE-Group. All our postal balances are ENAC certified. If you want to obtain ENAC certificate, contact an authorised laboratory (at ENAC link you can see all the authorised laboratories). Verification of postal balances (only for those that can be verified) can be done when balances are ordered or as a
reverification. Once an official verification has been done, the postal balances cannot be recalibrated using an external calibration weight. The first verification is valid for two years, but every other verification is valid only for one year and must be done annually. If you wish to obtain more information regarding the verification of postal balances or if you need balances to be verified, contact your local authorised verification
centre. If you have any questions, you can get a consultation from one of our engineers or technicians.
If you wish to view or print a selection of postal balances from our catalogue, click PDF symbol: