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Go to Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices


Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices
At PCE-Instruments you will find nuclear radiation testing devices, devices for measuring illumination, electro maGeiger Counters for measuring illumination, electro magnetic fields, solar radiation and solar activity.gnetic fields, solar radiation and solar activity. The nuclear radiation testing devices for electro magnetic fields, solar radiation and lux each day become more important due to the increased negative effects of the environment. nuclear radiation testing devices are used for both personal and professional for measuring such things as transformers, power lines and electrical devices. It is also used extensively in the industrial sector or in research and development. These nuclear radiation testing devices can be DIN ISO 9000 calibrated and certified and have other optional accessories available. A Geiger counter is an instrument that measures the radioactivity of an object or place. It is a particle detector that measure ionizing radiation.
It is usually made up of a tube that has a fine metallic wire through the middle. The space between them is isolated and filled with gas, and with a wire of about 1000 volts in relation to the tube. 
An ion or electron penetrates the tube (or an electron is released from the wall by x-ray or gamma), liberates electrons from the gas atoms which, due to the positive voltage of the central wire, are attracted towards the wire. In doing so, they gain energy, collide with the atoms and liberate more electrons, until the process becomes an avalanche that produces a detectable pulse current. Filled with a suitable gas, the flow of electricity stops by itself or even the electric circuit may help stop it. 
The instrument is called a “counter” because each particle that passes through it produces an identical pulse, making it possible to count the particles (usually electronically) but without telling us anything regarding its identity or energy (except that they must have enough energy to penetrate the walls of the counter). The Van Allen counters were made of a thin metal with isolated connections at the ends.
If you don't find the nuclear radiation testing devices you are looking for, please contact us and we will help you find the best solution to suit your needs by calling our offices on: +44 ( 0 ) 2380 98703 0 and our technical staff will advise you regarding our measuring instruments. Our engineers and technicians will be happy to help you with the nuclear radiation testing devices, and of course, with the other products in the field of regulation and control, and scales and balances.

Technical specifications for nuclear radiation testing devices can be found at the following links:

- Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices Gamma-Easy 
  (Easy-to-handle nuclear radiation testing devices for inspection, suitable for beginners)

Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices Gamma-Easy; easy to handle nuclear radiation devices for  inspection, suitable for beginnersNuclear Radiation Devices by Gamma-Easy

- Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices Soeaks-01M
  (Nuclear Radiation Devices with Measuring range
of radiation exposure 0,03 ... 1000 mSv/h, 3 ... 100000 mR/H)

Nuclear Radiation Devices withMeasuring range of radiation exposure 0,03 ... 1000 mSv/h, 3 ... 100000 mR/HNuclear testing devices by Soeaks

- Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices GAMMA - SCOUT Geiger Counters with memory and software.
  (nuclear radiation testing devices with memory and software

Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices GAMMA - SCOUT for the company Gamma ScoutNuclear Radiation Testing Devices with memory and software

- Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices MKS-05    
  (nuclear radiation testing devices warn about a great amount of radiation in a body)

Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices MKS-05 series for the company Ecotest.Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices warning of great amount of radiation in a body

- Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices PM1203-M
  (To measure dose of radiation for the the radiological environmental protection, with visible and audible alarm)

Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices PM1203-M for the company Polimaster.Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices, counters for radiological protection, radioactivity detection with visible and audible alarm

- Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices PM1405
  (Counters for the radiological protection, radioactivity detection, with visible and audible alarm)

Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices PM1405 for the company Polimaster.Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices PM1405, counters for radiological protection, radioactiveity detection with visible and audible alarm

- Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices Alpha-Beta-Gamma SM-3-D
  (nuclear radiation testing devices for protection of mechanics and technicians)

Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices Alpha-Beta-Gamma SM-3-D for the company Step.Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices Alpha-Beta-Gamma SM-3-D for protection of mechanics and technicians

- Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices Alpha-Beta-Gamma SM-5-D
  (Mobile nuclear radiation testing devices for measuring activities of alpha and beta fields)

Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices Alpha-Beta-Gamma SM-5-D for the company Step.Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices Alpha-Beta-Gamma SM-5-D mobile device for measuring activities of alpha and beta fields

- Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices Gamma Graetz ED150
  (Counters for the detection of X rays and Gamma rays, with warning function)

Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices Gamma Graetz ED150 for the company Graetz.Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices Gamma Graetz ED150 for the detection of x rays and Gamma rays with warning function

What is radioactivity?

In the late nineteenth century, Antoine Henry Becquerel discovered that the joints of uranium produced invisible emissions spontaneously without any external influence.

Also, this radiation can be determined in the case of the radio and other elements. Radiations can:

- Penetrate material.
- Blacken photographic plates.
- Cause fluorescence..
- Ionize gas, or make them electrically conductive.

Therefore this is known as ionizing radiation.  Especially important are alpha, beta and gamma radiation.

  Sources of ionizing radiation:

- The atomic nuclei of these elements – called radionuclides – are not stable. They decay and transform into a stable state, or rather,
  they transform without external effects in the nuclei of other radioactive nuclides.

- An energy emission in the form of particles or electromagnetic waves is produced  -  ionizing radiation.

- At the end of a decay series there is always a stable element. 

There are 236 known stable elements and about 2600 radionuclides.  The radionuclides come from naturally occurring radioactive materials or they can also be produced artificially.

This property is called radioactivity.


Radioactive decay with emission of alpha rays

The unstable nucleus of the radioactive isotope Ra226 (consisting of 88 protons and 138 electrons) has a continual tendency to change to a stable state.

For this reason, the radio nucleus emits a so-called alpha particle, which is similar to a helium nucleus made up of 2 protons and 2 neutrons.

This is known as alpha radiation

The radio nucleus transforms into a nucleus of the element radon, due to the two missing protons.

The nucleus of radon has 86 protons and 136 neutrons

Radon is also radioactive and continues the decay series. Radon continues decaying to become polonium, etc. At the end of the decay series, it eventually becomes lead which is stable and not radioactive.

Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices: Beta radiation.

Beta radiation

This is made up of negatively charged electrons that form when a neutron nucleus transforms into a proton nucleus. This occurs when, for example, radioactive iodine 131 decays .

Alpha rays and beta rays are particle rays.

Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices: Alpha and Beta radiation.

The nucleus of an iodine atom transforms into a nucleus of the element xenon.  
Alpha and Beta radiation are always related to the transformation of elements.

Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices: Gamma radiation.

Gamma radiation

Unlike particle radiation, with gamma radiation electromagnetic waves are emitted when the atomic nucleus decays.  


Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices: Lonizing radiation has a different penetration power.

Lonizing radiation has a different penetration power.

- Alpha radiation:
Can be protected against using a sheet of paper only 0,1mm thick

- Beta radiation:
Can be protected against with a book with a thickness 2-5cm

- Gamma radiation:
Continued protection with 1m of concrete or 20 cm of lead.


Ionizing radiation can have damaging effects if it comes into contact with living tissue.

The attenuation of the radioactivity, that is, the decay of radionuclides happens in very different periods of time.

Examples of the variation of magnetic field with distance

Density of magnetic flow (B, in microteslas, µT), measurement taken at one meter from the floor, of a railway line's electrical transport system (the tower is not shown to scale). You can observe that the value "B" is reduced significantly when the distance to the line is increased. As such, in the vertical of the line, "B" can be reach values of up to 6 µT; at 15 meters from the line "B" will be reduced by half and for distances greater than 30 meters, "B" would be in the order of tenths of a microtesla.

Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices: graphic of the density of magnetic flow

You will find a detailed explanation about radio activity if you follow this link or if you click on the image to the left. There are a wide range of uses for nuclear radiation testing devices, such as in nuclear plants, hospitals (for radiology), in construction safety, in the food industry (for food conversation using radiation) or in testing wood (when importing). As you can see, nuclear radiation testing devices can be used for many application in a variety of fields.

If you wish to view or print a selection of Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices from our catalogue, click the PDF symbol.
Nuclear Radiation Testing Devices: go to catalogue

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If you have any questions, call our technicians on: +44 ( 0 ) 2380 98703 0.

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