Sound level meter SoundEar® Sound level meter with visual alarm signal / with configuration options from 40 to 115 dB / easy and functional design / versatile use
The sound level meter SoundEar® is a multifunctional noise indicator that emits a signal when a previously set noise level is surpassed in a room. The sound level meter emits a visual alarm signal (the symbol of an ear in red) with the word “ACHTUNG” (Warning) appears in the display. The level sound meter allows 16 different configurations from 40 to 115 dB. If the sound level is below the selected limit, the sound level meter illuminates the image of an ear in green. The sound level meter SoundEar® is sent with factory settings in such a way that a yellow light is illuminated, like a warning when the measurement is 5 dB below the selected limit. The Sound level meter SoundEar has a simple and functional design. You will be able to verify if the sound level is too high at any time. Therefore, this level sound meter can be used as a pedagogical tool that allows you to obtain safe sound surroundings. The Sound level meter SoundEar can be used in any place where you wish to safely and effectively control the sound level. It is suited for use in schools, conservatories, youth centers, discos, coffeshops, offices and in the industry sector. If you have any questions on the sound level meter, please see the specifications below or contact us. Our engineers and technicians will be pleased to advise you on this level sound meter or any other products in the field of regulation and control systems , meters and scales of PCE Instruments S.L.


The sound level meter SoundEar® can be used in various places:
- Music conservatories
- Laboratories
- Kinder gardens
- Youth centers
- Gyms
- Concert halls
- Factories

Technical specifications |
Measurement range |
40 ... 115 dB
Deviation |
±1 dB
Power supply |
with an ecternal net adapter (230 V AC) Consuption: approx. 3 VA
Dimensions |
280 x 280 x 60 mm
Weight |
1500 g
The sound level meter is mounted onto the wall at an approximate height of 1.5 - 2 meters, and measures the level of noise in the room in which it is placed. The studies demonstrate that due to the reflection of the walls, the ceilings and the ground of most rooms, its position will not directly influence the real value of the noise level. Therefore, the level sound meter SoundEar® can obtain a very precise measurement of the level of noise in a room, regardless of the point where it is located. The sound level meter SoundEar® has a fixed limit value of 85 dB (a). Here the alert level established is 80 dB (a). This limit comes regulated in law RD 286/2006 about noise in workplaces. For the use in music rooms and concert halls in which one generally only spends a short amount of time, you can limit the value to 105 dB (a). Then the yellow ear symbol illuminates at 92 dB (a). |
 Green ear symbol
indicates that the sound level is acceptable.
 Yellow ear symbol indicates alarm level because the sound level is close to the limit value. The sound level must be reduced as soon as possible.
 Red ear symbol Alert!, the limit has been exceeded. The sound level must be inmediately reduced..

Delivery content 1 x levelsound meter SoundEar®, 1 x net component, user's manual |
Here you will find an overview of all the measuring instruments available at PCE Instruments. |
Contact: PCE Instruments UK Limited
Unit 11 Southpoint Business Park
Ensign Way, Southampton
United Kingdom, SO31 4RF
Phone: +44(0) 23 809 870 30
Fax: +44(0) 23 809 870 39
Contact: PCE Americas Inc.
1201 Jupiter Park Drive, Suite 8
Jupiter 33458 FL
Phone: +1-410-387-7703
Fax: +1-410-387-7714
Below you will find an overview of the different product groups of measuring instruments