Environmental Meters At PCE Instruments you will find many types of environmental meters. These environmental meters are used as much indoors as they are used outdoors for measuring humidity, temperature, air velocity and air pressure. We offer: different handheld and tabletop, environmental meters, measurement converters for industrial applications or meteorological stations. Some environmental meters can also automatically count dew point or with the ability to store data for analysis on a computer after measurements have been taken. Environmental meters are very important in industrial processes, warehouses, and of course in the private sector, such as in a house to determine interior and exterior climate and humidity in walls. For these reasons we recommend using environmental meters for testing and making the right decisions. If you don't find the environmental meters you are looking for, please contact us and we will help you find the best solution to suit your needs by calling our offices on: UK customers +44(0) 23 809 870 30 / US customers (561) 320-9162 and our technical staff will advise you regarding our products.
Here you can see Environmental meters from these companies:
Technical specifications for Environmental Meters can be found at the following links:
- PCE-HT 71N series Environmental Meters (Temperature, humidity, internal sensor and memory for 32,000 values)
- PCE-MSR145 series Environmental Meters (Internal sensor for humidity, pressure, temperature, acceleration and position)
- RedCube
CLIMA Environmental Meters
(climate datalogger for temperature and relative humdity, -20 ... +85
°C, 2 ... 99% rH

- Log 100/110 Environmental Meters (Environmental meters
with socket for external sensor, 60.000 measurement values)
- U12 series Environmental Meters (Temperature and humidity data loggers, EEPROM memory: 43000 values, USB)
- PCE-EM883 Environmental Meters
(5 devices in 1, measures light, sound, humidity, wind speed and temperature)
- AVM-4000 Environmental Meters (Environmental meters for temperature + humidity+ pressure)
- PCE-310 Environmental Meters (Measures temperature, humidity, dew point and includes a surface temperature sensor)
- PCE-HT110 Environmental Meters (External display, temperature and relative humidity sensor, RS-232, internal memory)
- PCE-THB 40 Environmental Meters (Environmental meters to ambient temperature, humidity and barometric pressure)
- EBI 2-TH-6.. series Environmental Meters (Temperature and humidity data loggers / adjustable measurement / highly accurate)
- PCE-313 series Environmental Meters  (With memory, interface and software for data transmission)
- ThermoAir3 series Environmental Meters (Environmental meters to measure low air flow with a directional or multidirectional sensor)
1200 Environmental Meters
(12-channel data
logger, 2GB SD
card, optional
software available, USB interface)
- PCE-SPS 1 Environmental Meters (Environmental meters of movement to determine relative humidity, easy to use)
- PCE-APA 1 Environmental Meters (Vacuum environmental meters, suitable for control and adjustments)
- Environmental Meters for humidity (Electronically measures climatological conditions in laboratories and warehouses)
- Klimagriff
Environmental Meters
(Environmental meters for preventing mould, temperature and humidity
- PCE-G1 Environmental Meters (Temperature and relative humidity, big display)
- PCE-G1A Environmental Meters (Environmental meters with two channels to humidity and temperature)
- PCE-FWS 20 Environmental Meters  (For wind direction, wind speed, temperature, relative humidity and precipitation)
- Anemometers  (Measures air velocity and volume of air current)
- Barometers (Handheld barrometers for measuring absolute pressure)
- Thermometers (Contact and non-contact devices)
All environmental meters are calibrated and can also be have an optional calibration done to be certified as meeting DIN EN ISO standards. The ISO calibration consists of a laboratory calibration according to a measurement protocol and an ISO certification. Information about relative humidity: Relative humidity (r.h.) shows the relation between absolute humidity and the quantity of humidity in conditions of saturation. Relative humidity of the air is measured with environmental meters that show on their display a value from 0% (absolutely dry air) up to 100% (air totally saturated with fog, clouds or water vapour). Some models of environmental meters come with a limited measurement range. The area of physical well-being is between 40 and 65% r.h.. As hot air possesses the ability to absorb more water vapour than cold air, people feel that in wnter the air is too dry while in summer it is very stuffy. If air warms up, it increases the quantity of vapour that exsists in cases of saturation. The consequence is that the % of r.h. vapour decreases yet the real quantity of water remains constant. Something similar occurs when air is cooled, descreasing the the quantity of water vapour. In this way, the percentage of r.h. increases. Condensation forms when there is an excess of water in a saturated environment. Some of our environmental meters also offer the ability to measure relative humidity and temperature as well as the ability to calculate dew point and dew point temperature. As we have mentioned, many of our environmental meters show dew point directly on their displays.
If you wish to view or print the selection of environmental meters from our catalogue, click on the PDF symbol
