Humidity Testers for Paper There are two groups of humidity testers for paper: Absolute humidity testers for paper and Relative humidity testers for paper. Both groups show humidity results in % however their range of application is different. Absolute humidity testers for paper are mainly use d by the manufacturer directly in rolls of paper-making machines (these are not mobile so they never take measurements from roll papers when they are moving) or by the printer during the input control in the printing office. The control of humidity in paper is specially important during its productive process due to the fact that an excess of moisture may block the rotary machine and warming of the paper rolls. On the other hand, it is very important to take into account that the physical properties of any paper are determined by the content of humidity. Humidity in paper will change depending on the relative environmental humidity owing to its hygroscopic properties. Relative humidity testers of paper are only used in paper manufacturing plants or by technical specialists if there are any customer complaints. If you don't find the temperature readers you are looking for, please contact us and we will help you find the best solution to suit your needs by calling our offices on: UK customers +44(0) 23 809 870 30 / US customers (561) 320-9162 and our technical staff will advise you regarding our products.
Here you can see humidity testers
for paper from these companies:
At the following links you will find technical specifications of the Humidity Testers for Paper:
- P2 Humidity Testers for Paper (Humidity tester for Kraft paper, packaging)
- P4 Humidity Testers for Paper (Testers for absolute moisture of painted paper with additives)
- PCE-W3 Humidity Testers for Wood (For a quick and accurate measurement or
humidity in paper with a strong probe)
Humidity Testers for Paper (Absolute moisture meters to measure water content in paper rolls and decks, ATC)
- RH5 series Humidity Testers for Paper  (Humidity testers for paper to measure moisture of stored paper)
- PCE-P18
sensor Humidity
Meters with
filters deliverable, For constant monitoring)
- FMD Humidity Testers for Paper (To measure absolute humidity, they have memory and interface)
Humidity Testers (Humidity Meters with Max- and
Min- value, for wood, paper and construction material)
- Humidity Testers for Paper - Balances  (Humidity testers for paper to measure moisture content)
Humidity of paper: Common problems: Humidity testers for papers are used when there is a complaint from the paper manufacturer to the printing office and the reasons are not very clear. It is advisable to use the same humidity meters in both places (for instance: in the printing office and in the paper-making factory) Although humidity in paper can be detected as absolute humidity and relative one, the best method is by means of an absolute humidity meter to get the best results (they will not depend on temperature and other environmental conditions). Humidity in paper is not only important to establish prices in paper-making factories but also for manipulators, printing offices, etc. All those factors turn humidity meters of paper into an irreplaceable tool for daily use.
If you wish to print a selection of humidity testers of paper from our printed catalogue, click the PDF symbol
