Thermal Stress Meters Thermal stress meters are mainly used to value the workplace. Thermal stress meters can detect and classify temperature in relation to the amount of moisture content. What is thermal stress, and why is thermal stress measured you may ask. Well, people who work in installations or with machines which produce a lower energy level or a high emission of temperature can occasionally suffer thermal stress (by the influence of body temperature). This phenomenon can also cause physiological symptoms: spasms, feeling unwell and shocks which can produce in some cases, death. So, thermal stress meters are necessary to determine thermal stress. Thermal stress meters detect and classify temperature in relation to the amount of moisture content. The global standard description for thermal stress is the WBGT (Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Index). This index consists of three different parameters: evaporating temperature (tnw), global temperature (tg) and air temperature (ta). On this page you will find diverse thermal stress meters models, as the ones which offer an index with temperature correction of humidity / moisture content (received). If you can't find the thermal stress meters you are looking for, please contact us and we will help you find the best solution to suit your needs by calling our offices on: UK customers +44(0) 23 809 870 30 / US customers (561) 320-9162 and our technical staff will advise you regarding our measuring instruments. Our engineers and technicians will be happy to help you with the thermal stress meters, and of course, with the other products in the field of regulation and control, and scales and balances.
Here you can see thermal stress
meters from this company:
Technical specifications for Thermal Stress Meters can be found at the following links:
- PCE-310 Thermal Stress Meters (They allow to determine thermal stress, moisture content, dew point)

- Thermal
Stress Meters PCE-WB 20 SD
(Heat Stress Meter to determine WBGT, Black-Globe Temperature, ...)
Thermal stress can be produced in those workplaces exposed to high temperatures (firemen, blast-furnace workers, etc) where it exists a mortal risk for the workers. When thermal stress meters are used to determine thermal stress, the risk can be detected and working conditions can be improved to avoid the danger. Thermal stress is not only suffered by human beings but also by animals. It is also suffered in the plant kingdom. Sometimes, small changes within environmental conditions can cause important effects.
If you wish to print a selection of the thermal stress meters from our printed catalogue, click the PDF symbol
