Colour Rating
Colout Rating Cabin to compare colours/
Implementation of ASM D1729 standards /
rating of colour according to D65, A, TL84, UV and TL 83 / large illumination
surface /
Hour meter for standard light source
colour rating cabin GTI MM-4e enables a visual measurement and comparison of
colour. Therefore the colour rating cabin has implemented five different shades
of light. These allow an accurate simulation, so that also the rating afterwards
can be analyzed as accurately as possible. Thus the light situation can be
clearly stated by the colour rating cabin GTI MM-4e and metamerism can be
detected. The light unit can be switched via the digital control panel of the
colour rating cabin GTI MM-4e. Furthermore that control panel is easy to program
in order to feed-in an event frequency that can be started via key press. The
mentioned automatic event frequency is featured by the colour rating cabin in
order to generate a fixed observation-time for every type of light, so that the
process is kept the same. The colour rating cabin is applied anywhere, where
colour-wise correct products are manufactured, which shall hold the same colours,
so that an optimal product of high-quality can be generated, which does not
alternate in its colouring regardless of the location, it is applied at.
Therefore the colour rating cabin comes with different shades of daylight, which
can be simulated in order to avoid metamerism. The hour meter for the standard
light source that is featured by the colour rating cabin, allows indicating the
used and spare tube hours. If there are any questions about this
colour rating cabin GTI MM-4e, please have a look at the technical
specification below or
call: UK customers +44(0) 23 809 870 30 / US customers +1-410-387-7703. Our technicians and engineers will gladly advise you in all color
light cabins and all products in the field of measuring
instruments, regulation
and control and scales.