The electronic hanging scale is a very precise device. Some deviations
in the indicator can be produced when the scale is in contact with
electromagnetic fields, so if this happens you should move the scale to
another environment. Avoid temperature changes and adjust the scale after a
new temperature change. Prevent air humidity, vapour and dust due to the fact
that the scale is not hermetically sealed. Do not expose the scale to direct
contact with liquids because it could penetrate into the measuring device. Therefore,
you should clean the scale with a dry or wet cloth. Do not use solvents so it
cold change the plastic or painted scale components. Immediately remove all
the objects with leakages. Once the scale has been switched on, you should
wait some minutes up to the scale is warmed up. – During this process,
measuring values are stabilised. Hang carefully
the measured object. Do not put any load out of the allowed
range on the scale during a long time. Avoid shocks and overloads above the
maximum allowed load (MAX), so the scale could suffer some damages. If any
interference occurs during the program development, switch off the scale. The weighing
process should be started again. Do
not use the scale in explosive environments, so this scale model does not
have EX protection. The scale should be regularly checked by means of
external weights.
The guarantee will not be valid if you open the scale or if the scale
is used without following these indications.
Keep the packaging for any return.
Use the original packaging to send the scale.